
Be Obsessed

Welcome to the Robisms —
ten brand principles, built on the
essentials of boldness, kindness,
and truth.

All of which collectively serve
a singular purpose — to inspire the
creativity required to create trust.

Lol — that’s 90% of branding
in 10% of the Robisms.

Yet now that we have trust,
we can methodically pursue —
obsessively — magnificence.

Scroll along with me.

Why not magnificence

Be Obsessed

Welcome to the Robisms —
ten brand principles, built on the
essentials of boldness, kindness,
and truth.

All of which collectively serve a
singular purpose — to inspire the
creativity required to create trust.

Lol — that’s 90% of branding
in 10% of the Robisms.

Yet now that we have trust,
we can methodically pursue —
obsessively — magnificence.

Scroll along with me.

Truth wrapped in art

Be Sincere

What’s the most important
part of your brand story?

Your word.

What’s the most important
part of your brand story?

Your word.

Be Caring

At its heart, brand creativity is
a craft of compassion.

As such, we seek to further the idea
of a brighter world — united by decency,
evolved by discourse, defiant in the belief
that love and wisdom will light and lead
our collective way.

Love stands up

Be Caring

At its heart, brand creativity is
a craft of compassion.

As such, we seek to further the idea
of a brighter world — united by decency,
evolved by discourse, defiant in the belief
that love and wisdom will light and lead
our collective way.

At its heart, brand creativity
is a craft of compassion.

As such, we seek to further
the idea of a brighter world —
united by decency, evolved by
discourse, defiant in the belief
that love and wisdom will light
and lead our collective way.

Boldness be not silent

Be Unignorable

The task here is not to write ads,
it’s to create magnets.

Bold, meaningful statements that —
true to physical phenomena —
attract and connect.

Be Curious

We interrupt the Robisms with
a word from The Buddha:


Translation: Beginner’s Mind.

A Zen practice of default openness
and innocence — essential to delivering
originality as a reliable daily result.

Welcome to the Rob Kell School
of Curiosity — eastern campus.

Here, naiveté is expertise.

? is the school symbol.

And ageing is God’s masterclass
in learning to outsmart your youth.

The fountain of rad

Be Curious

We interrupt the Robisms with
a word from The Buddha:


Translation: Beginner’s Mind.

A Zen practice of default openness
and innocence — essential to delivering
originality as a reliable daily result.

Welcome to the Rob Kell School
of Curiosity — eastern campus.

Here, naiveté is expertise.

? is the school symbol.

And ageing is God’s masterclass
in learning to outsmart your youth.

Find your inner everyone

Be Open

As a creative director, I define imagination
as the ability to imagine being someone else.

And — this is where the meditation kicks in —
the ability to imagine being everyone else.

One person at a time.

Brands that listen, learn, and accept, lead.

As a creative director, I define
imagination as the ability to imagine
being someone else.

And — this is where the meditation
kicks in — the ability to imagine being
everyone else. One person at a time.

Brands that listen, learn,
and accept, lead.

Be Undaunted

Let’s create a communication
ideology, shall we?

We’ll need an imaginary blender
and three eternally fresh ingredients:

1 — Moore’s law

2 — Darwin’s theory

3 — Rosa’s courage

Assuming your blender came with
a button for genetic commingling, you’ve
created branding’s grail — equal parts
accelerated understanding, competitive
advantage, and human respect.

Serves billions.

Clarity, brevity, heart, and soul

Be Undaunted

Let’s create a communication
ideology, shall we?

We’ll need an imaginary blender
and three eternally fresh ingredients:

1 — Moore’s law

2 — Darwin’s theory

3 — Rosa’s courage

Assuming your blender came with
a button for genetic commingling, you’ve
created branding’s grail — equal parts
accelerated understanding, competitive
advantage, and human respect.

Serves billions.

Depth becomes you

Be Informed

It’s mathematics’ darkest hour.

As such, there are no conferences
nor think tanks nor Ted Talks that tout
the Lowest Common Denominator.

Its value: zero.

Its damage: incalculable.

Its days: numbered.

In fact, let’s end the dumbing down
of the species — numerically, no less, now:

At precisely

It’s on us to phrase a future that
helps to create a clearing for
imagination, invention, and light.

Be Pavlovian

Every reader’s journey should
end at the same destination.

Higher ground.

Though as you drive your narrative,
see that Dr. Ivan Pavlov rides shotgun.

And reward your readers with
regular servings of verbal and visual
warmth and delight.

In every story, little prizes

Be Pavlovian

Every reader’s journey should end
at the same destination.

Higher ground.

Though as you drive your narrative,
see that Dr. Ivan Pavlov rides shotgun.

And reward your readers with
regular servings of verbal and visual
warmth and delight.

Blessed are the accepting

Be One

Indulge me for a moment,
and let’s watch people being born:

Behold, the mother of all counters.

In real time, the sum total of
human optimism and a reminder
of our ultimate responsibility — that
to all with whom we share this world
we are obliged — to speak truth,
and extend to our last breath, grace.

By orders of magnitude, a brand’s
message can contribute — culturally,
economically, intelligently, inclusively.
Boldness & kindness. Front & center.

Robism 10 of 10